Strategic Planning Phases & Planned Activities
Planning process taking place January 2023 through early 2025
(Last updated 8.7.2024)
Phase 0: Process Development & Fundraising - COMPLETE
- Establish Steering Committee
- Develop Workplan and budget
- Secure funding and hire consultants
Accomplished Objectives:
1) Steering Committee Formed
2) Northbound Ventures was selected through a competitive bid process to provide Strategic Planning consulting and services throughout process.
3) Funding through the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, Rhode Island Foundation and RI Commerce secured.
Phase 1: Initial Outreach & Early Stakeholder Engagement - IN PROGRESS
- Establish Advisory Board
- Complete "Five Year Impact Report on Relish Rhody 1.0" (2017)
- Develop 25-30 topics for food system "issues briefs" to inform strategic goals
Accomplished Objectives:
1) Advisory Board established
2) The 5 Year Retrospective published
3) 23 Crosscutting, issue and market briefs co-authored by subject matter experts -- UNDERWAY.
See the full list of briefs and authors here.
Phase 2: Research & Development of 2.0 Food Strategy
- Draft strategies from the issue briefs
- Hold public listening sessions
- Draft food system plan
- Public comment period
Phase 3: Public Launch, Outreach & Implementation
Launch and widely distribute RI Food System Plan for 2030 (final name TBD)
With community partners, state agencies and food producers co-creating strategies and priority actions to the year 2030, the implementation phase of the State's strategic plan will have key metrics and accountable entities to ensure change and transformation in the Rhode Island food system.