East State Beach/Ninigret Conservation Area
- East Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
- South County
- (401) 322-0450
East Beach, located in Charlestown, takes up three miles of prime beach shoreline. It is the easterly extension of Quonochontaug Neck. East Beach is one of the least developed of the Rhode Island state beaches, with limited parking and a half-dozen changing rooms. Nonetheless, it is one of Rhode Island’s spectacular seaside treasures. This barrier beach and 20-site campground location offers four Clivus Multrum composting toilets for restrooms, along with three miles of undeveloped beach frontage. Parking is very limited and fills up early on sunny summer days. A small portion of the beach is staffed with lifeguards on a seasonal basis. Special camping/vehicle equipment restrictions apply. For camping reservations at all Rhode Island State Campgrounds contact ReserveAmerica at (877) 742-2675 or visit ReserveAmerica.com.
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