Weetamoo Woods
- Route 179, Tiverton, RI 02878
- Newport County
- (401) 625-1300
There are 7 miles of trails within Weetamoo Woods and another 2 miles in the adjacent Pardon Gray Preserve (Tiverton Land Trust). The trails have gentle slopes, rocky/rooted pathways and wet areas in spring. The trails are well-marked and maps are available the East Road trailhead. Loops are designed for easy to moderate walks.
Additional Information
General Info
- Free Parking
- On Street Parking Available
- Pets allowed on leash
Comp policy
- Escort
- Group Contact Email gplunkett@cox.net
- Group Contact Name Garry Plunkett
- Group Contact Phone 401-633-2037
- Group Contact Position Stewardship Coordinator
- Motor Coach Available
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