Rhode Island Colonial Charter Museum
The Charter Museum is located on the first floor of the Rhode Island State House. Commemorating the 350th anniversary of Rhode Island's Royal Charter of 1663, the exhibit features an array of original documents including the 1721 recorded copy of the 1643 Parliamentary Patent that preceded the Charter, remnant sections of the wax and resin Great Seal of Charles II that was originally appended to the Charter and the legislative proceedings around the Charter's arrival in Rhode Island and its first reading to the General Assembly. Other featured items include a published transcript of the Charter printed in England in 1719 and contemporary documents written in the hands of Roger Williams and John Clarke. Open to the public, free of charge Monday- Friday, 8:30am until 4:30pm.
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Additional Information
General Info
- Complete wheelchair access
- Fire alarm signals for hearing impaired
- Special arrangements upon request
- Warning signals for visually impaired
- Alcohol prohibited
- Group Contact Email publicinfo@sos.ri.gov
- Group Contact Name Courtney Hill
- Group Contact Phone 401-222-3983
- Group Contact Position Tour Coordinator
- Maximum Number Of Rooms 150
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